Escritos na varanda

Imagino-me a escrever na varanda, ao fim da tarde, com o Sol a por-se no horizonte e uma bebida gelada ao lado. Como eu nem sequer tenho varanda, tudo isto é ilusão.

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

I'm not dead, I'm not a poet, but yes, it is night

My deepest thoughts are dead
Buried along the way
A voice inside me said:
“Forget that damn old day”.
I’m lying in my bed
I have nothing more to say
People think that I am mad
But I do intend to stay.

I breathe and thus I live
But my thoughts died before me
They are all I have to give
To those that came to see.
I don’t want to deceive
Nobody, but I agree
The things that I receive
Worth more than it worth to be.